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Vendor & Sponsor Information

Online Vendor & Sponsorship Available February 1, 2025!

You can become a Vendor or Sponsor of the Festival by filling out the form below.  It will guide you on each step needed to complete the process.  You can save the form and continue or even send the partially filled out from to a colleague to finish completion.  You can also print out a form and mail it in with payment.  UCWWF Sponsorship (PDF)  or UCWWF Sponsorship (docx)

Sponsor Levels

Clack Fest Event Sponsorship Information

There are 5 levels of sponsorship based on a cash and raffle/silent auction donation.

Class I Sponsorship: $100-$250, Supporters donating over $100 will receive a festival t-shirt at the event.

Class II Sponsorship: $250 -$500, Sponsors will receive Class I benefits + Facebook social post, live link logo on festival website, name printed on back of festival t-shirt, and announcement by event announcer during festival.

Class III Sponsorship: $500-$999, Sponsors will receive Class II benefits + Instagram post.

Class IV Sponsorship: $1000-$1,999. Sponsors will receive Class III benefits + name on yearly festival banner

Class V Sponsorship: $2000+, Sponsors will receive Class IV benefits + name in bold on the yearly festival banner as title sponsor and name on poster “presented by, Your Company Name”.

Race Sponsorships

Looking to get your company more exposure at Clack Fest? Sponsor one of the races. By Sponsoring a race, your company will be added to the event schedule for example “The YOUR COMPANY R2 mass start race” which will be posted on our event schedule and called out by the announcer live on race day. We will post an edited highlight instagram reel after the event showcasing your company for sponsoring the race. 

Race Sponsorships are limited and are $250 per race. 

Other sponsorship info

Sponsors need to submit the sponsorship fees by March 15th to be listed on festival shirts or posters.

Sponsor logos need to be submitted in PNG format to be included on the website. Please also submit a short paragraph about your company so we can add it to our sponsor page as well.

For silent auction and raffle donations please provide item/items name, short product descriptions, pictures, and MSRP value of product donation.

To become a vendor and set up a booth at Clack Fest click here for more info.