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Upper Clackamas Whitewater Festival – Vendors

Special thanks to our whitewater equipment vendors for helping to make the Annual Upper Clackamas Whitewater Festival a very special event! Many of the vendors are generously donating items to our silent auction and sponsoring the race events which allows us to offer these fun events at a greatly reduced rate which allows more people to get out on the river.

Some vendors will be offering on water boat demos.  Click to learn more. 

Many old friends and familiar faces (and a bunch of new ones) are attending the Festival this year.  Listed above are the folks who’ve signed on so far. This list is growing as we get closer so check back.

Please take a few minutes and check out their web sites. If you see something you like call them and ask them to bring it out to the festival with them. The Upper Clackamas Whitewater Festival is the very best opportunity to meet these fine folks and see up close and in person the latest and greatest gear they have to offer. Many will be offering special discounts  for people attending the Festival.

Also, besides our vendors there will be several river awareness groups on hand to share their knowledge. Be sure to check them out and see how you can contribute to help in the ongoing battles to preserve our resources and the ever diminishing access we have as boaters.